Resource - Theory |
Structured Programming | Discipline of Programming | Science of Programming | Programming on Purpose |
Programming Style | Algorithms | Art of Computer Programming | Concrete Mathematics |
:Publisher | Academic Press Inc. |
:Authors | O.-J. Dahl, E. W. Dijkstra, & C. A. R. Hoare |
:Release Year | 1982 |
:ISBN | 0-12-200550-3 (Casebound), 0-12-200556-2 (Paperback) |
:Description | Formal Programming Instruction/Theory |
:PDF Pages | 227 |
Structured Programming |
:Publisher | Prentice-Hall Inc. |
:Authors | Edsger W. Dijkstra |
:Release Year | 1976 |
:ISBN | 0-13-215871-X |
:Description | Formal Programming Instruction/Theory |
:PDF Pages | 232 |
Discipline of Programming |
:Publisher | Springer-Verlag Inc. |
:Authors | David Gries |
:Release Year | 1981 |
:ISBN | 0-387-90641-X, 0-540-90641-X |
:Description | Formal Programming Instruction/Theory |
:PDF Pages | 379 |
Science of Programming |
:Publisher | Prentice-Hall Inc. |
:Authors | P. J. Plauger |
:Release Year | 1993 |
:ISBN | 0-13-721374-3 |
:Description | Essays on Software Design |
:PDF Pages | 245 |
Programming on Purpose |
:Publisher | Prentice-Hall Inc. |
:Authors | P. J. Plauger |
:Release Year | 1993 |
:ISBN | 0-13-328105-1 |
:Description | Essays on Software People |
:PDF Pages | 213 |
Programming on Purpose II |
:Publisher | Prentice-Hall Inc. |
:Authors | P. J. Plauger |
:Release Year | 1994 |
:ISBN | 0-13-328113-2 |
:Description | Essays on Software Technology |
:PDF Pages | 233 |
Programming on Purpose III |
:Publisher | McGraw-Hill Book Co. |
:Authors | Brian W. Kernighan & P. J. Plauger |
:Release Year | 1978 |
:ISBN | 0-07-034207-5 |
:Description | Programming Style Guide/Instruction |
:PDF Pages | 181 |
Elements of Programming Style |
:Publisher | Addison-Wesley Publishing Co. |
:Author | Robert Sedgewick |
:Release Year | 1984 |
:ISBN | 0-201-06672-6 |
:Description | Algorithmic Programming Instruction (Using Pascal) |
:PDF Pages | 561 |
Algorithms |
:Publisher | Addison-Wesley Publishing Co. |
:Author | Robert Sedgewick |
:Release Year | 1990 |
:ISBN | 0-201-51425-7 |
:Description | Algorithmic Programming Instruction |
:PDF Pages | 672 |
Algorithms in C |
:Publisher | Addison-Wesley Longman Inc. |
:Author | Donald E. Knuth |
:Release Year | 1997 |
:ISBN | 0-201-89683-4 |
:Description | Fundamental Algorithms Instruction/Analysis |
:PDF Pages | 666 |
Art of Computer Programming - Volume 1 (Fundamental Algorithms) |
:Publisher | Addison-Wesley Longman Inc. |
:Author | Donald E. Knuth |
:Release Year | 1997 |
:ISBN | 0-201-89684-2 |
:Description | Seminumerical Algorithms Instruction/Analysis |
:PDF Pages | 775 |
Art of Computer Programming - Volume 2 (Seminumerical Algorithms) |
:Publisher | Addison-Wesley Longman Inc. |
:Author | Donald E. Knuth |
:Release Year | 1997 |
:ISBN | 0-201-89685-0 |
:Description | Sorting & Searching Algorithms Instruction/Analysis |
:PDF Pages | 792 |
Art of Computer Programming - Volume 3 (Sorting & Searching) |
:Publisher | Addison-Wesley Publishing Co. |
:Author | Donald E. Knuth |
:Release Years | 2001 - 2008 |
:Pre-Fascicles | 0A, 0B, 0C, 1A, 1B, 2A, 2B, 3A, 3B, 4A, 4B |
:Description | Combinatorial Algorithms Instruction/Analysis (Part 1) |
:PDF Pages | 942 |
Art of Computer Programming - Volume 4A (Combinatorial Algorithms - Part 1) |
:Publisher | Addison-Wesley Publishing Co. |
:Author | Donald E. Knuth |
:Release Years | 2015 - 2017 |
:Pre-Fascicles | 5A, 5B, 5C, 6A |
:Description | Combinatorial Algorithms Instruction/Analysis (Part 2) |
:PDF Pages | 491 |
Art of Computer Programming - Volume 4B (Combinatorial Algorithms - Part 2) |
:Publisher | Addison-Wesley Publishing Co. |
:Author | Donald E. Knuth |
:Release Year | 1999 |
:Fascicle | 01 |
:Description | MMIX - RISC Computer Desription, Language, & Programming |
:PDF Pages | 141 |
Art of Computer Programming - Volume 1 (MMIX - RISC Computer for the New Millennium) |
:Publisher | Addison-Wesley Publishing Co. |
:Author | Ronald L. Graham, Donald E. Knuth, & Oren Patashnik |
:Release Year | 1994 |
:ISBN | 0-201-55802-5 |
:Description | Foundational Computer Science Mathematics |
:PDF Pages | 692 |
Concrete Mathematics |